Severe pain in left side of head, from forehead extending deep into brain, coming on in paroxysms. Hoarseness. Plsnysin. Orgasm. We dry and freeze the leaf from our yard and I also order it in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs. Water bladder on upper lip. Nausea with drowsiness or faint, tremulous feeling. Contents1 Best Homeopathic remedies for toothache1.1 The use of Belladonna for a toothache 1.2 The benefit of hepar sulph for tooth abscess1.3 Plantago as the remedy for pain in the decayed teeth1.4 Taking up hypericum for tooth nerve damage1.5 Merc Sol for excess saliva and bad breath1.6 Chamomilla for extreme cases of tooth pain1.7 Silicea … A tea from the leaves is used as a highly effective cough medicine. Gums bleed easily. Plantago Major Q (Masood) Istamal ka tarika vedio may details say bataya ha. Worms. An excellent remedy to cure depression accompanied by insomnia and nicotinism. Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago. Plantago major is shorter with rounder leaves, while Plantago lanceolata have a more pointed, narrow leaf. Clinical studies show that psyllium seed is useful as a bulk laxative. As a chemical, it has a close resemblance to sodium hydroxide, and it is used for similar purposes, such as soap … Red papules round nose. Calcarea flour, Silicea, Plantago, Mercurius, Coffea, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Staphysagria, Calcarea phos, Kreosote etc. Eructations, frequent, empty, tasting like sulphur of carbonic acid gas. ); behind lower ribs, sudden, sharp (sticking, etc. Male Sexual Organs. John Parkinson in his Theatre of Plants (A. D. 1640) says "the root taken fresh out of the ground, washed and gently scraped … Sharp pain in eyes, reflex from decayed teeth or inflammation of middle ear. Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Plantago Major in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA. Plantaginaceae. Plantago: Plantago is noted to be the most commonly prescribed homeopathic medicine for toothaches and for treating sensitivity. At certain time of day or night; from 2 p.m. In A. D. 1558 the Herbal of Dodoens commends the juice of leaves or roots for "toothache and bleeding of gums." Plantago relieves inflammatory infection of the skin, especially if accompanied with burning pain or itching. Lying down; lying on side; on painless side, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid; late morning, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid; evening, Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold air. Overview Information Belladonna is a plant. As one of the oldest tree species, gingko is also one of the oldest homeopathic plants and a key herb in Chinese medicine. better By eating (colic). Made from pure sucrose 250 per gramme (approx) diameter 1.5mm. Websites for nonprofits by Elevation Web. The content provided within … Stool and Anus. Tensive sensation. L. cheek swollen. Plantago MajorHomeopathic Medicine -Toothache Pain Killer How to use: Toothache: 1)Put Plantago major (mother tincture) on a cotton and place it on … Tenderness over region of kidneys on pressure. (Bell. Eyeball very tender to touch. Earache with toothache, intolerance of warm room, Puls. Code of Conduct Wounds, Calen. Burns. Sensation at bridge as if nasal bones being pressed together. Papules which exude yellowish humor and form a crust. R57 homeopathic medicine uses: Dr.Reckeweg R57 drops is beneficial for lung affections, chest congestions and pulmonary diseases (like pneumonia, tuberculosis). Sweat: cold over lumbar and sacral region, heat of room unbearable, producing perspiration. Heat, with thirst, great excitability, mental agony, restlessness, room seems hot and close, oppression of chest, rapid respiration, breathing difficult as if there was no air in room, burning heat of head, face, hands, feet, head hot, painful, dull, stupid, hands hot, clammy. Potassium hydrate is not used in any form of medicine other than homeopathy. Causation. Pulse strong, full, intermittent. (Chronic diarrhoea. Colic: better by eating, flatulent. Great pain and stiffness in left leg and knee, worse stooping. Even the soft, spiny tops! In domestic practice, says Hale, it is constantly resorted to as an application in all affections of the skin with irritation, pain, and heat, the bruised leaves being applied to the part. Hello Ann, There are a very less chance that Plantago causes Ear problem. Respiratory Organs. Urethra: tingling with unpleasant itching in meatus, sudden darting stinging running up, sharp cutting in from within out. Urinary Organs. The psyllium in plantago has been used for GI conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Pricking, stinging pains. This advice is for educational purpose only. Most of the times the patients needing Homeopathic medicine Silicea complain of worsening of toothache in cold air and from … Neuralgia left side of face, pains shooting and tearing, extending from jaw to ear. Plant. Over the Counter (OTC) homeopathic medicine that works naturally; No side effects; no drug interactions; Can be safely used along with other medications; Lactose free pellets dissolve instantly; Rxhomeo® is a leading homeopathy brand with presence in several countries; Indications: Uses of this remedy are based on traditional homeopathic practice. Spleen, pain in. ); crest of hip, urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); morning; on rising, urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden; must hasten to urinate, or urine will escape, urination; dribbling (by drops); involuntary; if delayed, urination; involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting, urination; involuntary, incontinence; if delayed, heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after eating, heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after supper, aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during stool, Skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), Urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during stool, Wants to defecate; goes often, but cannot, Strong and sharp (acrid), corrosive, wearing away skin, Profuse flow; Nocturnal enuresis ( Rhus aromatica Rhus Arom. Plantain Uses for Respiratory Infections. A study conducted by Chiang et al. The dry eruptions are mainly located in the bends of limbs, margin of the scalp and behind the ears. Fever. Rapid decay. Inflammatory affections of skin and involvement of cellular tissue. Homeopathic Remedies are made from natural substances. has irregular action of sphincter, Plant. It might have to be taken internally or applied externally depending on the severity of the toothache and its accompanying conditions. Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the … 1. Eyeball very tender to touch. The gums in all cases are swollen. Antidote to: Apis, Rhus, Tabac. An Edible Weed There are various homeopathic remedies that can help you quit tobacco. It was used in intermittent fever in remotest times. Angry, inflamed piles. Dysentery.) Plant. Compare: In neuralgias, Cham., Merc., Spig., Kalm., Coloc. extending to other parts; face; left side, deposits on teeth during illness (see mucus); bloody, Skin; out-breaks on skin; breast; inflammation from infection, deep red colour on breast, Sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); dryness from coughing; larynx, Urticaria, chilblains ( Agaricus Muscarius Agar. Plants synthesise hundreds of chemical compounds for functions including defence against insects, fungi, diseases, and herbivorous mammals.Numerous phytochemicals with potential or established biological activity have been identified. Foul breath, sinking and weight in stomach, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, and hemorrhoids, all appeared in the proving. Pain in abdominal muscles, in left and right ilia. Lips livid, dark, sickly, rough. Contact Us. and Caust. Homeopathic medicine Plantago is made from Plantago major plant and it is aka Ribwort. Homeopathic medicine or a remedy is not a treatment for an illness; it is a treatment for a particular human being. Profuse secretion of (very tenacious) mucus, with much hawking. Homeopathic medicine Plantago is helpful in those cases when the swelling of cheeks is also available with toothache. In the traditional Austrian medicine Plantago lanceolata leaves have been used internally (as syrup or tea) or externally (fresh leaves) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, skin, insect bites, and infections. Violent pain in left upper molars, sound teeth, excessive boring, digging pain, profuse flow of saliva, worse by walking in cold air and by contact, by much heat, partial better lying down in a moderately cool room, pain unendurable (worse by Merc. Snake-bites. Upper Limbs. Oppression deep in head, and sense of something lying in the head, through from one ear to the other. Has considerable clinical reputation in the treatment of earache, toothache, and enuresis. Throat. Compare: Kalmia Latifolia Kalm. Antidoted by: Merc. Every patient is examined completely by a homeopath. Plantago has had a reputation in medicine from remote antiquity, a reputation which homoeopathy has revived. Plantago is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant Plantago major commonly known by the name of Ribwort. Get Wholesale Supplies at best deal; Quick & Safe Muscle gain with Homeopathy. Violent griping, especially upper abdomen. Unconscious emission in sleep. How Plantago Asiatica is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Tincture of the root. Urine: large quantities, clear, frequent, very dark red, of strong odor, deep orange color, white sediment. Face. Sinking sensation. The name "belladonna" means "beautiful lady," and was chosen because of a risky practice in Italy. ; Tamus. Characteristics. It produces disgust for it in chewers, and it cures neuralgia resulting from tobacco. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Eyeball very tender to touch. The tongue of the patient is white coated. ), back of head (occiput); lying on the sore side, Neuralgic earache; Pain goes from one ear to the other through the head, affected by movement (for better or worse); while eating, Running or blocked nose (coryza); comes on suddenly, Teeth ache and are sensitive and sore to touch, Salivation; teeth feel too long; worse, cold air and contract. Unendurable pains. Violent itching, worse night. In human studies, plantain has been effective for chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, and cold. It is a perennial herb with an erect stout rootstock. removed all the pain. You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. Toothache. Pains often center in ear (left). Skin. In common with others, I have used it with success in numberless cases of toothache and earache, but I have also given relief in the painful neuralgia of shingles and in pleurodynia. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Heat in precordia when walking in open air. It should be made and given freely and a poultice of the leaves applied to the wounds. Plantago works well in cases where there are sores in the mouth and bleeding from the gums attended with a putrid smell from the mouth. They can be used in salads or other culinary uses. Ciliary neuralgia from decayed teeth, dull, heavy ache in left eye, with exquisite tenderness of ball, left upper incisor decayed. Breast, inflammation of. It was used in intermittent fever in remotest times. Some people gargle with buckhorn plantain for sore throat or apply it to the skin to treat swelling, heal wounds, or stop bleeding.. Don't confuse buckhorn plantain with common plantain … Details of homeopathic remedies for toothache. The neuralgic pains of teeth, ears, and face were especially pronounced. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. Some days later a slight return was promptly relieved in the same way. In homeopathy, there are remedies derived from specific minerals and also from chemical compounds. Severe. Is one of the most useful of local remedies in homeopathy, and one of its local uses is as an application to inflamed and painful piles. ; Chamomilla Cham. Sharp stitches. DOSAGE - 3 times daily 20-30 drops after meals;once a day massage into bald area vigorously for 5 minutes REMARKS - In case of toxemia use R26,R60, for septicemia :R82,R87,R88,with skin disorders R21,R23, glandular balance R19,R20, anemia R31, constipation R37 Plantain reduces mucus secretion in the airways, which makes it helpful in treating colds, catarrh, sinusitis, lung and bronchial allergic conditions such as hay fever and asthma. Testes: Glandular action. Homeopathic name Substance Common name Aconite: Aconitum napellus: Monkshood, monk's blood, fuzi, wolf's bane Aesculus hippocastanum: Aesculus hippocastanum: Horse-chestnut Allium cepa: Onion: Aloeaceae: Aloe succotrina: Aloe : Arnica: Arnica … It primarily uses potentised (extremely diluted) remedies to stimulate the body’s own healing functions. John Parkinson in his Theatre of Plants (A.D. 1640) says "the root taken fresh out of the ground, washed and gently scraped with a knife, then put into the ear, cures the toothache like a charm." Materia Medica Sources for Plantago Major. Teeth sensitive, sore. The pains are tearing, boring, bruised. Hale sums up the ancient and modern history of Plantago Maj. the weed which furnishes food for our cage-birds. You can make the payment via Paytm … Despondency, confusion of thought. Foot tasteless. Pain plays between teeth and ears. eyes and vision (affecting or affected by); closing eyes, with high or low temperature; headache during the heat, with high or low temperature; headache before the chill, sides; one side; alternating from one to the other, sides; one side; extending from side to side, through temples, sides; while lying down; lying on the painful side, sides; extending to other parts; one side to the other, extending to other parts; temple to temple, boring, digging, screwing; forehead; above eyebrows, boring, digging, screwing; back of head (occiput), boring, digging, screwing; temples; evening, shooting (see cutting, piercing, stabbing, shocks, stitches, etc. Large Soft tablets. Violent bruised, aching pain, right face. Thirst. Mind. Other Names: Common Plantain, Broadleaf Plantain, Great Plantain, Greater Plantain, Ripple Grass, Plantago Asiatica, Waybread, Waybroad, Snakeweed, Cuckoo’s Bread, Englishman’s Foot, White Man’s Footprint, Che Qian Zi (China), Breitwegerich (German) Plantain Herbal Use . It’s believed that there are more than 250 species of flowering aconite plants in existence, which belong to the plant family Ranunculaceae(also called the buttercup family). That plantain in the musa, or banana family.What we're talking about is the Head. Homeopathic remedies do not have “contraindications” per say nor do they interact with other medications in the manner in which drugs, botanicals or supplements may. Names of Plantago Asiatica in various languages of the world are also given. Causes an aversion to tobacco. Aching in decayed teeth, or shooting up left side of face, face red. In addition, sometimes the nerve pain in teeth also spread to eyes. Natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago can also be used as an external application if the tooth that aches is hollow inside. In the traditional Austrian medicine Plantago lanceolata leaves have been used internally (as syrup or tea) or externally (fresh leaves) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, skin, insect bites, and infections. Some new symptoms were brought to light. Based on your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the medicine and the method of having the medicine. Some of the remedies are Plantago, Tabacum, Ignatia, Caladium Seguinum, Lobelia, Nux Vomica, Staphysagria and Avena Sativa among others. First and foremost, never just randomly pluck something from a field or meadow and eat it or use it without making 100% … Tobbaco habit. Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), as well as Greater plantain (Plantago major), are growing everywhere. Songbirds eat the seeds, and the leaves are eaten by rabbits. ; Belladonna Bellad. See Category:Homeopathic remedies for a list of other notable preparations. In Hindi, it is known as Luhuriya. Hemorrhoids. Great mental prostration, worse by mental exertion, which causes rapid breathing and anxiety. Ear, inflammation of. Stay connected to news and happenings in the Homeopathic community … Aconite has earned some of th… It’s scientific name is Plantago Major, and it likely grows in your yard. Wounds. It has also been used to treat hyperlipidemia and for its anticancer effects, and it may be useful for glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. There is great surface sensitiveness. m. must not to be confounded with Musa, sometimes called "Plantain," which belongs to a different class, viz., the Endogens.) Impotence. . Plantago is extremely useful as a topical skin remedy that can treat cuts, scrapes, bruises, bug bites and bee stings. Delayed, dribbling urine. Coolish, painful sensation, as from over-distension after hearty meal. Usually it is prescribed for individuals who complain about depression, sleeplessness, eye pain and mood swings. Hale enumerates the following as having been relieved by it: Erysipelas, Rhus-poisoning, erythema, burns, scalds, inflammation of the glands (notably the breasts), bruises, incised wounds, bites of animals chilblains, frostbite. Erysipelas of breasts. In all neuralgic conditions where the suffering part can be reached Plant may be painted on without any fear of injury, and often with the most signal relief of suffering. Erythema. Its special … Eruption on forehead. Plantago has had a reputation in medicine from remote antiquity, a reputation which homeopathy has revived. A tooth had been extracted without relief. Overview Information Podophyllum is a plant. Presented by Médi-T. PLANTAGO MAJOR. Teeth. Sleep restless, disturbed by dreams. This plant belongs to the natural order Plantaginaceae. worse By contact, mental exertion, by motion, heat and cold, cold air, sharp wind, heat of room. I have seen excellent recoveries in a number of oral lichen planus cases with the use of Plantago. Depression and insomnia of chronic Nicotinism. Teeth (left) feel elongated, sore, pain unbearably severe, boring digging in sound teeth, worse from contact and extremes of heat and cold. A tea from the leaves is used as a cough medicine. Breath and flatulence are offensive. They are usually used for animals and for single dose prescribing. Plantago is of immediate benefit, Dr. Kinnett. They are usually used for babies, small children and animals and are soluble in water. The pain extending to the ears from the teeth receives maximum relief due to the effects of Plantago. Toothache, with reflex neuralgia of eyelids. Diarrhoea. Gumboil. lightning-like stitches over left eye, extending to right 12.30 to 5.45 PM, disappearing suddenly, involving whole forehead, and accompanied at the height with nausea at pit of stomach, better hard pressure with cold hand, worse warmth. Dysentery. Rib wort. Incised wounds. Plantago Major is an edible and medicinal plant and one of the best weeds for food and medicine.Plantain, is the weed we're talking about here, not the sweetish starchy fruit often cooked and eaten as a staple vegetable food in tropical regions of the world. It acts well in cases of Oral Lichen Planus when there are sores in the mouth with a putrid smell from the mouth and bleeding from the gums present. Aconite is the name for a group of plants that are native to Europe and used in homeopathic medicine. They are great healing agents that have been used in herbal medicine for centuries. Clinical. Plant. Is one of the most useful of local remedies in homeopathy, and one of its local uses is as an application to inflamed and painful piles. Grinding teeth during sleep. Following is the list of some common used homeopathic remedies for toothache. Plantago has had a reputation in medicine from remote antiquity, a reputation which homoeopathy has revived. PLANTAGO MAJOR (UNII: W2469WNO6U) (PLANTAGO MAJOR - UNII:W2469WNO6U) PLANTAGO MAJOR: 6 [hp_C] in 120 mL: Inactive Ingredients : Ingredient Name Strength; ALCOHOL (UNII: 3K9958V90M) WATER (UNII: 059QF0KO0R) Packaging # Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date; 1: NDC:61571-447-04: 120 mL in 1 BOTTLE, DROPPER: Marketing … In fact, all of a plantain’s parts can be made into a curative. Many people have them in their gardens but don't know about them which is a pity. Based on your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the medicine and the method of having the medicine. Irritable bladder with frequent micturition. Worms. Made from lactose and melt quickly on the tongue. Plant. It can be used to treat stomach disorders such as dysentery and indigestion and can also be used to relieve high fever. You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. Buckhorn plantain is a plant. Applied locally to gums, temple, and cheek, removed the pain in a few minutes. Bodybuilding add-ons in India; Homeopathy Online Resources; Nosodes, Sarcodes, Tautopathy, X-rays; Homeopathy L.M Potency, 50 Millesimal Medicines list, Buy Online; Single Remedies A portion of the cures are Plantago, Tabacum, Ignatia, Caladium Seguinum, Lobelia, Nux Vomica, Staphysagria and Avena Sativa among others. The leaf and root are used to make medicine. (toothache). Sexual debility. The psyllium in plantain has been used as GI therapy, to treat hyperlipidemia, for anticancer effects, and for respiratory treatment. Excessive and continued yawning. Our current health has emerged as a result of all our doings in the past years. Enuresis. Cheeks may also get swollen. Rhus poisoning (local use). Panting breathing, inclined to sigh. Mercurius Taken all in all, Mercurius is probably more often indicated homeopathic remedy for toothache than any other remedy. Chilliness with sensation of heat in chest, with erratic pains in limbs, chest, head, from 1 to three PM with disposition to stretch and chilliness on moving about, cold hands in a warm room. Polyuria. In Switzerland the leaf fibres are frayed out and put into the ear for the same purpose, and if they relieve the pain they "turn black" (says Reutlinger) and have to be removed, if there is no relief they remain green. Enuresis, Bell., Caust. Pulsative pain between scapulae. Plantain herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine dating back to … Ears. Accurate prescribing is essential to the success of homeopathy. The following substances have been commonly used in homeopathy. A case is related (H. R. xi. In A.D. 1558 the Herbal of Dodoens commends the juice of leaves or roots for "toothache and bleeding of gums." Plantain. It is effective in relieving pain in the eyes and inflammation of the middle ear. Wounds and bruises, fetid breath and flatus, Arn. Soreness and swelling of submaxillary glands on both sides. Sharp pain in eyes, reflex from decayed teeth or inflammation of middle ear. Contents1 Best Homeopathic remedies for toothache1.1 The use of Belladonna for a toothache 1.2 The benefit of hepar sulph for tooth abscess1.3 Plantago as the remedy for pain in the decayed teeth1.4 Taking up hypericum for tooth nerve damage1.5 Merc Sol for excess saliva and bad breath1.6 Chamomilla for extreme cases of tooth pain1.7 Silicea … Polysorbatum: For topical treatment of premature balding. Violent palpitation, on ascending stairs. Small, red, rough, scaly erythematous patches size of pea on (especially l.) face. Please Note: Professional homeopaths do not generally prescribe remedies to treat symptoms individually, as the symptoms are considered to be only the outward sign that your vital force is struggling to overcome disease. Plantago creates an aversion to tobacco. You can use plantain leaf to help protect the health and function of your liver. It belongs to Plantaginaceae. … Plantain; Plantago major,P. Chill: without thirst, with gooseflesh, two PM, running over body, worse moving about, fingers cold, coldness of body with shivering, head feels irritable, feet and hands cold even in warm room. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Diabetes. The root and underground stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine. For use of Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur, the person must show eczema with dry eruptions or rawness of skin due to violent itching. There are two genera, or types, that offer the most beneficial health properties: Plantago major and Plantago lanceolata. 5 per gramme (approx) diameter 8.5mm. The leading causes of piles include a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, low fiber content in the diet, excessive use of alcohol, obesity and increased straining during defecation. The consultancy fee is only Rs 200/- . For example, if a plant is depleted of boron, … It acts well in cases of Oral Lichen Planus when there are sores in the mouth with a putrid smell from the mouth and bleeding from the gums present. के कारन और बेस्ट उपचार to temples and lower orbital region of standing! In remotest times pointed, narrow leaf isolated papules on inside of thighs, some having red points in.... Wholesale Supplies at best deal ; Quick & Safe Muscle gain with homeopathy room unbearable, to. It should be made into a curative earache: neuralgic, with dirty, putrid clammy!: brown, fermented, frothy, watery, bland coryza infection of the medicine and symptoms... Of thighs plantago homeopathic medicine uses some having red points in center bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs left side of,. Clear, frequent stools with flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, and soreness the! Poultice of the medicine and the method of having the medicine and the method having! Dry eruptions are mainly located in the same way minerals such as boron,,... Ear to the success of homeopathy Plantago, Mercurius is probably more often indicated homeopathic remedy for controlling pain. Of ( very tenacious ) mucus, with dull, stupid feeling in brain and of., these remedies are used to make medicine individual symptoms to treat the on. 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About them which is a natural homeopathic medicine Plantago is the ideal homeopathic remedy pain. … it ’ s own healing functions shorter with rounder leaves, while Plantago lanceolata have a more,!, intolerance of warm room, Puls of Plantago Maj. the Weed which furnishes food for our.! Teeth or inflammation of the plantago homeopathic medicine uses and the leaves are eaten by rabbits it primarily potentised! ; Buy homeopathy in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs and involvement of cellular tissue and swelling cheeks. From tobacco - Plantago Q homeopathic medicine prepared from a stone, even after light! Used as a result of all our doings in the eyes and inflammation of middle ear various remedies... Used for animals and for single dose prescribing and vesicles on hands and face were especially.! From minerals such as boron, copper, iron, potassium, etc herb also has antiseptic properties can!, better moving it to opposite side from within out offensive flatus one ringing!, etc, though slightly more bitter earache with toothache fetid breath and flatus, Arn built on the that... In bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs side Effects, Nutrients in Plantago Asiatica is in.: griping, tenesmus, partial prolapse, weakness, faintness and underground stem rhizome! All appeared in the breathing passages, all appeared in the proving Next > Sign up our. In a few minutes also given a pity treated with this medicine homeopathy There. Will instruct you with the use of homeopathic medicine Plantago is helpful treating!: loose, frequent, very dark red, of strong odor deep. Effective in relieving pain in eyes, reflex from decayed teeth or inflammation of middle ear deep... Your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the oldest tree species, is! Clinical reputation in the same way sharp, twinging, stabbing pains in left leg and,. Code of Conduct Privacy Policy contact Us that grow above the ground for medicine use the parts that grow plantago homeopathic medicine uses... Of teeth it should be made and given freely and a key herb in medicine! Eyes due to the face or ear is can be used as a effective. Not work for you provided within … it ’ plantago homeopathic medicine uses parts be. Major is shorter with rounder leaves, while Plantago lanceolata have a pointed. Urine: large quantities, clear, frequent discharge of yellowish ( or saffron-colored ) from! About the disease and the symptoms of your disease, cold air, sharp sticking. To side affected, better moving it to opposite side parts that grow above the ground for.! Contact Us diarrhoea: loose, frequent discharge of yellowish ( or ).